Monday, November 14, 2005

one more from today ....

One thing we have a lot of around here is rocks (rocks and trees and water, the Arrogant Worms have it right). This is a rock face by the Columbia. I made two series of about 25 shots this afternoon, one vertical, the other horizontal, diffused afternoon sunshine for light. Living North gives you good shadows in winter almost any time of the day :)

Here I combined a bunch of verticals to create a flowing sideways texture, then combined that picture with one of the horizontals. Both times they were blended using the decreasing percents formula. I'm starting to like that formula.

I think I will experiment more with this rock face - it looks a bit like a cathedral. I wonder if combining architecture and rock pictures would work.


At 7:49 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

You might want to switch on the feature that requires comments to be validated to avoid this sort of spam.

Your comment about architecture and rocks is interesting - how about people and textures that suit their personality ? You could probably say quite a lot about a person with what you merge them with...

At 7:52 PM PST, Blogger ursula said...

Thank you. I will do that.


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