Tuesday, November 15, 2005

tuesday's musings ....

Vivid vs. soft, it seems that in general, the more layers, the softer the final look. The possibilities are almost overwhelming at the moment.

The top image is two photos blended in normal; the bottom image is a series of 7 photos blended in normal.


At 2:13 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

wow. You are really getting in to this! The two milk jug shots are beautiful - a great tonal contrast and I just spend a whole lot of time enjoying the abstract shapes and then trying to decipher the underlying subjects.

The softer, more textured water? shot has a lovely layered feel to it too. It doesn't have the immediate impact of the stark, sharp jug shot, but has its own appeal. I'm continually impressed by the images you are putting up.

At 3:21 PM PST, Blogger ursula said...

Yes, the bottom picture is water, a pool by some rocks in the Columbia.

At 12:45 PM PST, Blogger Neil said...

The first, abstract shot is quite perfectly done! The shapes just interplay perfectly.

The second doesn't quite have the same impact, but suggests that such water shots are excellent for this technique. I guess what doesn't work as well for me here is that the overlaying image on the water is really faint, and I mostly see the water.


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