Wednesday, November 16, 2005

wednesday's landscape

Pend d'Oreille Cutoff

This is a composite of 4 shots I made back in late October, on a sunny afternoon when the trees were still full of gold. The river is the Pend d'Oreille, which flows into the Columbia about 12 miles downriver. The cutoff is the Nellway road, a very bumpy dirt track that follows the Pend d'Oreille from 7 mile Dam to Nellway (it's about 10 miles of road I believe, but it takes me a couple hours to drive - yeah for Subarus!).

It is a bit frustrating that a lot of the multi-image composites turn out so dark, and frequently lose most detail. I wonder if taking images with very sharp, shiny edges would make for better multi-image composites, although, some of the soft, brown textures I get from these composites are beautiful as textures. I think I am used to more detail in my images. Question: Is detail important?


At 12:34 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

Is detail important ? No, not if the rest of the image has something to say.

In fact, I'm tending to think that the less detail an image has, the more the viewer can project their own story on to it and start to get emotionally involved. Something that's sharp and obvious and all there, tends to lead to a more superficial reading of the image.

So no, detail doesn't always matter.

On the lack of brightness, it may be worth switching the blending mode of one or two of the layers to add some lightness to the scene - lighten or screen for example might raise the tonal levels. Doesn't have to be all of the layers though.


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