cloudy tuesday
Composite of two images made seconds apart, one in focus normal exposure, the second completely out of focus exposure set to F +1. I am trying to imitate one of the effects talked about in Chapter 2. The two images were blended as follows:
- base layer (in focus photo) at 100%
- second layer (out of focus photo) at 100% in soft light
- third layer (out of focus photo again) at 50% in normal
As usual, comments, suggestions for improvement, ideas are welcome.
I like the effect here. I've done this technique with long exposures--shoot in focus and while exposed, change the ring. I'll have to try it with a double layer too!
Thank you, Neil. I've never tried it "in camera", never thought of it. Your idea is great - I will try that also.
Wow - that's breathtaking. Beautiful light in the final image. I've seen this one in focus/ one out of focus technique used a lot on flowers and find it starts getting a bit cliched there, but this is exceptionally good in this case.
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